Sierra – Uniform Taxiway Intersection Slab Replacements

Due to significant wear and deterioration over time, 24 existing concrete pavement slabs at the Sierra – Uniform Taxiway intersection in Melbourne Airport required replacement. This was the largest Rapid Set Concrete Construction (RSCC) project of its kind in the world and needed to be completed at Australia’s busiest 24 hour airport with minimal disruption to operations or customer experience.

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The scope of works included

  • Rapid construction within a limited night time access window of six hours
  • Decommissioning, replacement and re-energisation of impacted Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL) within the same night shift.
  • Zero disruptions to airport operations and no extended closures to taxiways or aprons.
  • Extremely high risk, safety, quality control and environmental management objectives.
  • Completion of a full scale trial slab replacement prior to commencement.
  • Management of Per- and Poly-FluoroAlkyl Substance contaminated concrete in line with Melbourne Airport and the federal Airport Environment
  • Office requirements, including retainment on site for future re-use.

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The results

Melbourne Airport received delivery of a unique and repeatable solution that can be replicated for future slab replacement programs with no aircraft delays over the six week program. From initial scoping and design to final construction and handover, our project team worked closely and collaboratively with Melbourne Airport’s infrastructure delivery and airfield operations personnel. Ongoing support from Melbourne Airport security services, work safety officers and the safety/environmental management teams ensured the works were delivered safely and in line with strict environmental controls.